Monday, June 22, 2009

Bethlehem Children and Faringdon Peace Fair - upcoming events
Visit of Children from Bethlehem to Oxford
A group from Ghirass Cultural Centre is staying in Hammersmith with host families, and will travell to Oxford for a day on Tuesday 30th June.They will perform Dabka (dancing) at St Edwards school at 12.10. Please come if you can. St Edwards school has been generous in providing facilities and lunch for the children. Volunteers to take them round the university in small groups, donations, home made cakes etc would be welcomed – contact Lorna Maskell (7 Bainton Road, 01865510856 )

From Faringdon Peace Group -
PALESTINE – LIFE UNDER OCCUPATION Adam Twine talking about his experience
of Palestinian solidarity work – and more – from his six weeks in Israel and Palestine earlier this year
Weds 1st July 8.00pm FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE, LECHLADE RD.FARINGDON (Opposite the Duke of Wellington)
Admission Free. Coffee at 9.30pm ALL WELCOME For more information or help with wheelchairs, please ring 241707 or 710308

Faringdon Peace Fair 4 July, 2pm - 5pm


Viva Palestina

Drivers from Oxford to Gaza
On Tuesday June 9th Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign organised a joint meeting with the local Viva Palestina activists, who had joined the convoy that left London on 14th February to take aid into Gaza. At the meeting, in Oxford Town Hall, 3 of the 5 drivers who went from Oxford with an ambulance described their experiences. It was an inspiring meeting for the 40 people in attendance. The trip across Europe to North Africa was fairly uneventful (apart from a breakdown in Spain), but from thereon in the drivers descriptions were eventful. The Morocco/Algeria border was opened for the first time in 10 years to let them through. In Libya the Government donated an additional 100 juggernaut trucks.(which sadly still haven't been allowed through by the Egyptian authorities) But most exciting was that everywhere they were greeted with crowds lining the roadside. Only in Egypt, as they waited to be allowed through the Rafah crossing, did they get attacked. But when they finally got into Gaza, they were allowed to donate their ambulances wherever they wanted. The Oxford contingent delivered their ambulances, full of medical supplies, to Shifa Hospital. They only stayed 1 night, but were inspired by their discussions, which centred on the Palestinians demanding to be left alone to live their lives free from attack. As they told the drivers, "We just want to live like any other human being". A necessary prerequisite is for the borders to be opened. The drivers are to make their photos in to a slide show, to use when they talk at future meetings. At the meeting there was the announcement of a huge American solidarity convoy, leaving for Gaza in July, and the next convoy from Britain will set off in October. (See the Viva Palestina website: ) Tony Richardson
