24th April 2016
We are very pleased to
have Mahmoud Zawahra as guest speaker at our AGM on the 10th May.
Mahmoud Zawahra is a
Palestinian activist and PhD student at Coventry University Department of Peace
Studies, one of the founders of the popular struggle co-ordination committee in
the West Bank (http://popularstruggle.org) as well as the
local coordinator of the popular committee of Al-Ma'sara village, to the south
of Bethlehem.
I will be focusing on the Israeli polices after 68
years of occupation and how they change the tactics but not the polices as a
settler colonial project
aiming to
replace the local Palestinians by foreigners settlers
Popular resistance and resilience (sumud) of
Palestinians against the Israeli polices in the occupied Palestine, what is
missed and what are the challenges and successes
We are
keen that newer and preferably some younger people should take on some of the
organising roles within Oxford PSC. Don’t be shy. If you wish take on a shared
role at first with a more seasoned member if that is what you would prefer.
Dear PSC
I am
pleased to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of Oxford PSC at 7.30pm on Tuesday 10 May2016 at the Town
Hall, St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1BX. All supporters are welcome to attend
but only PSC members may submit motions, vote on resolutions or stand for
office. Membership forms will be available at the meeting for those who are not
already members but who wish to join and fully participate in the meeting.
We are delighted to have a speaker from Palestine at
the meeting.
If you
would like to submit a motion to the meeting please email it to us at oxfordpsc@yahoo.com by
Tuesday 26 April. Motions will
be circulated to members in advance of the meeting or posted on our website.
following officers will be elected at the AGM for the coming year:
Membership secretary
Student liaison officerTrade
union liaison officer
coordinator Stall coordinator
meeting will also elect committee members to work with the officers on
campaigns and activities.
think about standing for one of these positions or as a committee member. All
officer posts can be job shared. If you would like more information about what
is involved please contact me. Also if there are other ways you would
particularly like to be involved e.g. helping with publicity, press liaison or
coordinating some BDS (boycott) actions.
We look
forward to seeing you on 10 May.
Oxford PSC
action today!
We have
already had over 4 thousand letters sent to MPs this week but we need more. Please
take 2 minutes today to take action and share this post.
Palestinian villages, Susiya and Um Al Hiran are under imminent threat of
demolition. We need to do everything we can to stop the Israeli
forces sending the bulldozers in. We know that if there
is international protest on a sufficient scale, particularly from
European governments, this will make a difference.
write to your MP today asking them to take action and demand that the
foreign secretary protests in the strongest terms to the Israeli government to
save the homes of the Palestinians living in these villages.
This from Hugh:
“I have created the
@OxfordPSC Twitter account. Please invite all members and supporters who are on
Twitter to follow it. Please tell me if you like the icon and header image that
I've created.”
Tickets for 'Flavour of
Palestine' Celebration available now. Tickets limited to reserve now!
Saturday 21st May, 7PM - 10PM / Stonehill Barn, Drayton, AbingdonOxfordshire OX14 4AA.
An Evening of Music, Culture & Food: Fundraiser for the 2017 Palestine Unlocked Festival. Entertainment from acclaimed musicians using modern and contemporary Arabic instruments, Palestinian food, auction & raffle with a special guest, Fairtrade Palestinian products, handmade crafts from 'Women in Hebron' Cooperative and much more. Not to be missed!
Tickets: £35 pre-booked or £40 at the door.
To reserve and book tickets simply contact us by email: info@palestineunlocked.com
Saturday 21st May, 7PM - 10PM / Stonehill Barn, Drayton, AbingdonOxfordshire OX14 4AA.
An Evening of Music, Culture & Food: Fundraiser for the 2017 Palestine Unlocked Festival. Entertainment from acclaimed musicians using modern and contemporary Arabic instruments, Palestinian food, auction & raffle with a special guest, Fairtrade Palestinian products, handmade crafts from 'Women in Hebron' Cooperative and much more. Not to be missed!
Tickets: £35 pre-booked or £40 at the door.
To reserve and book tickets simply contact us by email: info@palestineunlocked.com
of Palestine' Celebration Tickets for 'Flavour of Palestine' Celebration
available now. Tickets limited to reserve now! 7PM - 10PM / Stonehill Barn,
Drayton, Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 4AA. An Evening of Music, Culture &
Food: Fundraiser for the 2017 Palestine Unlocked Festival. Entertainmen…
Palestine Unlocked – May 21st- 23rd
2016Saturday May 21st
10AM-12PM, St Antony’s College, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6JF
Attacks on Non-Violent Resistance to Illegal Military Occupation:
The Reasons for the New Uprising
Speaker: Dr Mustafa Barghouti, General Secretary, Palestine National Initiative (Mubadara),
Chair: Dr Avi Shlaim, Senior Research Fellow, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford
2PM – 4PM / EP Abraham Lecture Theatre Green Templeton College, 43 Woodstock Rd OX2 6HG
Siege and Survival in Gaza: The Impact on Health and Human Rights
Dr Rita Giacaman, Founding Director, Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University, Palestine
Miri Weingarten, Physicians for Human Rights–Israel
7PM – 10PM / Stonehill Barn, Drayton Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4AA
“Flavour of Palestine” An Evening of Palestinian Music Culture and Food
Entrance: tickets £35 pre-booked or £40 at the door.
To reserve, contact: info@palestineunlocked.com or visit: www.palestineunlocked.com/tickets
Sunday May 22nd
3.30-5.30PM St Margaret’s Institute Polstead Rd, OX2 6TN
The Twice Promised Land
Britain’s Role in Creating 100 Years of Conflict in Palestine
Introductory Speaker and Chair
Karl Sabbagh, British-Palestinian writer, documentary maker, and publisher
Panel members
▪ Mustafa Barghouti, Palestine National Initiative (Mubadara), Ramallah, Palestine
▪ Rita Giacaman, Birzeit University, Palestine
▪ Jeremy Moodey, Embrace the Middle East
▪ Karma Nabulsi, St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford
▪ Naomi Wayne, Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Monday 23rd May
7PM: The Middle East Centre, St Antony’s College 68 Woodstock Rd, OX2 6JF
Human Rights for Palestinian Prisoners
Short film and Panel Discussion with
Sir Stephen Sedley: one of the authors of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office report ‘Children in Military Custody’
William Parry: journalist/documentary film maker ‘Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jails’
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