Upcoming Events: Local
Come along to our regular monthly meeting slot for an update on the latest developments in the Palestinian struggle.
TUESDAY 10 November, 7.30pm, Oxford Town Hall. We have much to report from our visit to Palestine.
7 – 9pm
Monday 23 November. 5.00 p.m auditorium at St John's College speaker Angela Godfrey-Goldstein Action Advocacy Officer for ICAHD in Jerusalem. She will speak on Jerusalem disposed.
http://www.icahd.org/eng/ Prof. Avi Shlaim will chair the meeting. Angela Godfrey-Goldstein, Advocacy Officer for ICAHD, Jerusalem will speak on 'Jerusalem Dispossessed: An Israeli Considers the Matrix of Control Imposed on Palestinians', Mon. 23 Nov., 5.00 p.m., Auditorium, St John's College, St Giles. Chair: Prof Avi Shlaim. The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, a non-violent direct-action group based in Jerusalem, resists Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes and campaigns for justice for all across a wide range of issues. British in origin and a long-standing Israeli citizen, Angela Godfrey-Goldstein has a deep knowledge of the circumstances which confront the Palestinians both within Israel and in Occupied Palestine. She lectures widely and regularly briefs politicians, NGOs and the media.Angela will give an illustrated talk based on an exhibition she curated which was shown at the Edinburgh Festival and elsewhere in Europe and the USA.
http://www.icahd.org/ http://www.icahduk.org/Exhibition on Gaza
NOVEMBER 7TH - 14TH at Fusion Arts Centre, East Oxford Community Centre, Princes Street (off the Cowley Road) Oxford OX4 1DDSunday 8th 10am-6pmMonday 9th 4-6pmTues 10th 12.30-5.30pmWed 11th 12.30-7pmThurs 12th 12-6pmFriday 13th 9am-2pmSaturday 14th November 9am-6pmSunday 15th 10am-2.30pmDon't miss the chance to see this thought provoking and profoundly moving exhibition of photographs and children's drawings that show the tragic reality of the attacks on Gaza of December 2008 and January 2009 and its impact on the civilian population, in particular its children.The exhibition is organised by the Network of Oxford Women for Justice and Peace. A major part of the exhibition will be a display of drawings from the children of Gaza themselves, brought out of Gaza by Rod Cox, a British Peace Activist who travelled to Gaza in March 2009.For more information see
www.nowpeace.org.uk/gaza.htmThe Gaza Freedom March is an international movement that will break the illegal blockade of Gaza in a non-violent demonstration on the 31st December this year, as part of a week-long trip to Gaza via Cairo.
http://www.gazafreedommarch.org/article.php?list=type&type=416 The Oxford University Palestine Society is holding a lunchtime information session at St Antony's college on Wednesday of 5th week. Come along to find out more, meet other people who are going and hear from other activists who've visited Gaza. Wednesday 11th November,12.45pm, St Antony's College, dining hall. We'll be there for at least an hour, so don't worry if you're late, or just want to drop by briefly
http://www.gazafreedommarch.org/article.php?list=type&type=416 Facebook group: March on Gaza - Dec. 31st, 2009 - UK Supporters or contact
katharine.halls@wadh.ox.ac.uk(From the Student discussion list) : On Monday 16th November (6th week) the Chabad society (Jewish religious society in the University) is hosting an archaeological exhibition run by an Israeli settler group called the Ir David Foundation. The Ir David Foundation is a sub-group of the notorious settler organisation Elad, which encourages settlement of the Palestinian East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan which, they say, stands on the site of the ancient city of David. Israel has demolished many Palestinian homes in Silwan and has handed out thousands more demolition orders (there is a good video by Al Jazeera on this http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/general/2009/06/2009624733522192.html). As well as organising the colonisation of Silwan, Elad has been given the responsibility by Israel of excavating the area to look for remains of the purported city, something they have done without any regard for the residents whose houses have been taken over, tunnelled under, demolished etc.The exhibition that Chabad is hosting is apparently of artefacts that come from these excavations run by the settler group. We obviously have to do something about this. Whatever we do, it has to be a strong group effort: this exhibition is directly connected to the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem that is happening right now, and it is outrageous that this settler group, which even the government has condemned, is parading their colonial loot in Oxford. If anyone has other ideas about what to do send a reply.
Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association Tuesday 17 November, 2009: Next ORFA Meeting, Town Hall, Oxford
http://www.oxford-ramallah.org/events.htmlSPEAKER EVENT: WHAT IS THE CASE FOR A BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL Main guest speaker Betty Hunter, General Secretary of the nationwide Palestine Solidarity Campaign. To be followed by Q&A, discussion on activism opportunities in Oxford specifically, and an opportunity to buy Palestinian Fairtrade goods. Date: Thursday 19th November (6th week) Time: 8-9:30pm Venue: Wadham College, Old Refectory
I've been asked to pass on this invite from students campaigning for the University of Oxford to divest from arms companies. "Join us in protesting against the University of Oxford’s investments in arms companies. The University’s Socially Responsible Investment Committee is holding a meeting in 7th Week where it will decide on whether to divest from arms companies or not. With the view of influencing this important decision, we will be holding a protest on Monday, November 23rd at 1pm. The protest will start and finish at the Clarendon Building on the corner of Broad St and Parks Road (just across from the Kings Arms). We have provisionally decided that we will all wear black and paint our faces white, possibly carry a coffin along as a symbol of the people killed by arms invested in by the University, and end with a ‘die-in’ on the steps of the Clarendon Building. We would like to ask you and the other members of your organisation to join us in making this protest a reality! We will hold a planning meeting on Thursday of 5th Week (November 12th) at 5pm at Wadham College Old Refectory. Please come along and bring ideas! We look forward to seeing you all there."
We have stalls booked at the One World Fair (21 Nov) and Green Fair (12 Dec). Both are at Oxford Town Hall. We will need lots of volunteers to help on these days at the stalls and also people with cars to transport materials to and from the Town Hall in the morning and afternoon. If you are able to help, even if only for an hour, please contact me at
http://uk.mc866.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=carolineraine1@btinternet.com Please contact soon as we still do not have enough people. - Just a reminder it is the One World Fair on 21 November and we need helpers on the day, If you are available and have not yet volunteered please let me know what time you could do.
For those of you who have already volunteered I will be in touch in a day or two with more info on time slots.Even if you are not able to come along and help do visit the stall. Some of us have just returned from Palestine and have brought with us a few soaps, embroideries etc which will be available to purchase there.All the best,Caroline
Dear allIt's not too soon to start planning activities in churches during advent to raise awareness about the reality of the "little town" and the rest of Palestine.We have an excellent video (about 30 minutes long) called "Bethlehem, hidden from view" put together by Garth Hewitt of the Amos Trust. If you can arrange a showing in your local church it would be really good. We have a few copies, so would be able to lend you one.Let me know (and if you'd also like one of us to come to the showing we'd be glad to do that) My e-mail is
mailto:pamela.parsons%40ntlworld.comthanks Pam
Oxford Amnesty Lectures will include Karma Nabulsi, Lecturer in International Relations, Oxford, and former PLO Representative. That the General Will is Indestructible: From a Citizen of Geneva to the Citizens of Gaza Wednesday 17 February 2010 . Lectures start at 5.30pm in the Hall, Taylor Institution Library, St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3NA Tickets will be on sale from December 2009.
Saturday street stall: (notice from Seyda)
Could people please contact me on my home number 01865 880344 mobile7983334322 or e-mail me
seydacooke@virgin.net. Please let me know what you can do even if it means an hour slot which is fine too. Volunteers needed 11.30 – 1.30, and they should contact Seyda (
seydacooke@virgin.net , Home no 01865 – 880344,Mobile 07983334322) This is one of the main ways we raise the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It takes a couple of hours (plus a bit each side to collect and return the materials). Two people at all times means you always have backup. If each supporter did one Saturday a month we would be covered.
Upcoming Events: UK/InternationalNational Week of Supermarket Boycott Actions, November 7-15 Call the HQs all day on Wednesday 11 November Please note these numbers:Morrisons Customer Services – 0845 611 6111 Waitrose Customer Services - 0800 188 884 Actions are planned around the countryMake the Palestinians' voice heard – Picket Morrisons Head Office in Bradford on Friday 13th November from 2.30 to 4.30pm outside Morrisons HQ, Gain Land, Bradford, BD3 7DL For a full list click
here; Article in the
Telegraph and PSC
Press Release More on BDS:
Report from the Alternative Information Center about the notion of academic boycott on Israel and the participation of Israeli academic institutions in the occupation. Music Video – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MepX0PcjzfA Norway university to vote next month on boycott of Israel Consultation on labelling Israeli goods now Following a parliamentary statement many months ago, the UK government has still not held a public consultation on the labelling of goods from Israeli settlements. Amnesty International recently stated settlements are 'war crimes' and the UK government is collecting customs taxes from trade with these illegal entities. Write to your MP asking them to call on the government to hold the consultation as soon as possible and express your opposition to Israeli settlement trade and the legality of benefiting from ‘war crimes’. You can also email or call your local trading standards officer if you have an example of a label 'West Bank' or 'Israel' label on any goods you bought in a supermarket. Explain to the trading standards officer that you think the label is misleading because the West Bank is synonymous with Palestine and request an investigation on whether the label is illegal under the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. The trading standards officer could force the supermarket to change the label. If they decide not to act, PSC may be able to take legal action to question the legality of the trade in court. Your local trading standards officer can be found at:
http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/ (Thank you to all Oxford People who have contacted me about action they are taking about these goods).
Please find attached the leaflet for the Twinning Network national conference in Birmingham on the 21st November. We hope you will distribute this widely sothat we get a good attendance from across the UK. It would be useful if groups could let us know if you are attending so that we have an idea of numbers.We are keen to involve all local groups and would like to request that you volunteer to lead in some of the workshops. We have asked CADFA to cover theworkshops on School twinning and charitable status. Birmingham/Ramallah will cover the youth links and Wallsall/Kobar the faith links workshops. Thatleaves the following: Gaza, womens links, Environment, Communication with Palestine, We would be very grateful if groups can volunteer to lead these. Some groups are also bringing people from their twinned town/village in Palestine and we are keen that our visitors are part of leading the workshops too.We are holding a social in the evening from 6-9pm with great Palestinian food and entertainment from Yussef Ahmed (unplugged) and Somaye who plays the Iranian drum and sings. We do hope you will be able to stay for the social.If you need overnight accomodation in Birmingham please let us know so that we can arrange it.It is always useful to see what local groups are doing so if you could also bring photos that could be displayed, examples of publicity material etc that would be great.With best wishes Caroline Johnson.
Come along to one of the forthcoming PSC Student Activist Meetings We are holding two national activist meetings to bring together students from across the country to discuss how we can co-ordinate our efforts and take forward support for Palestine on our campuses and within the student movement as a whole. Northern Student PSC Activist Meeting – North (Bradford Uni) 25th Nov 4-6pm Southern Student PSC Activist Meeting – London (LSE) 2nd December 4-6pm. For much more advise and information for students in the campaign see here :
http://www.palestinecampaign.org/Index5b.asp?m_id=1&l1_id=7&l2_id=35Viva Palestina (U.S.)
The Viva Palestina Series- Breaking the Siege http://www.vivapalestina-us.org/ Volunteers are needed to join a PSC group driving to Gaza on the Viva Palestina convoy in the Autumn. For more information, offers of help and donations, contact
Martial.Kurtz@palestinecampaign.org The Palestine Solidarity Campaign is organising a contingent on the Viva Palestina Convoy to Gaza, to break the illegal siege on Gaza which has led to 1.5 million people, living under Israeli occupation, facing starvation, deprivation, displacement and ongoing trauma on a horrendous scale. The convoy is due to enter Gaza on the first anniversary of Israel’s bombing and invasion of Gaza — December 27th. Israeli forces killed over 1400 Palestinians in three weeks and created widespread destruction of essential infrastructure including homes, schools, hospitals and power plants. We will be taking much needed aid for the people of Gaza, and fostering links with Palestinians for solidarity work.YOUR SUPPORT IS VITAL TO HELP US BREAK THE SIEGE For more information on what you can do visit:
http://www.palestinecampaign.org/ or contact PSC via e:
convoy@palestinecampaign.org l t: 020 7700 6192