Sunday, January 24, 2010

'Children of Gaza Under Fire' Exhibition The Gallery, Oxford Town Hall, Tuesday 19-Sunday -31 January

PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO BE AN INVIGILATOR AT THE EXHIBITION - Greetings! You will have received information earlier about the ³Children of Gaza Under Fire² Exhibition to be held in Oxford Town Hall The Exhibition Team please need your help and support. We seek Invigilators for the duration of the Exhibition in Oxford Town Hall every day from Tuesday 19th January to Sunday 31st January (as above). Would you please consider Invigilating at some time during a morning or afternoon session during 19-31 January? We are hoping to have 2/3 Invigilators at each am/pm session with support/training from the Exhibition Team, as well as information packs for each Invigilator, and visits from School groups. The Exhibition Team hope that dividing the invigilation sessions (10-2pm; 2-6pm) will enable volunteers to choose any time span - so, if you are able to help or need more information, please contact Bette (01865-249336)> with your day(s)/time(s) choice(s). ThanksPam Thanks to those who have already volunteered.

Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association ORFA Meeting, 7.15pm Tuesday 26 January 2010 Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Saturday street stall: (notice from Seyda) Could people please contact me on my home number 01865 880344 mobile7983334322 or e-mail me Please let me know what you can do even if it means an hour slot, which is fine too. Volunteers needed 11.30 – 1.30. This is one of the main ways we raise the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It takes a couple of hours (plus a bit each side to collect and return the materials). Two people at all times means you always have backup. If each supporter did one Saturday a month we would be covered.

P.S.C branch meeting.Tuesday 9th February 7:30 Oxford Town Hall. Discussion of what we can do arising from the Cairo declaration, including boycott activities, and questioning the role of the JNF. We will possibly have speakers from the Gaza Freedom March or Viva Palestina. All welcome.

Oxford Stop the War Coalition Public Meeting Thursday 11th February, 7:30 Oxford Town Hall …Drone attacks in Pakistan…threats against Iran…Gaza still under
siege…conflict in Yemen……..Come to our public meeting! The Spread of the War
Speakers: Andrew Murray (Chair, Stop the War Coalition), Jeremy
Corbyn MP and P.S.C. patron, Elaheh Rostami-Povey (SOAS, expert on the Middle
East and, in particular on women in Afghanistan)

'A Taste of Palestine'
Saturday 6th February 2010, 7.30pm
Blessed Hugh Catholic Church Hall, Faringdon.
This is a really exciting event happening on Saturday week; it will be a cultural evening of traditional food, music and dancing to introduce you to the people and culture of this fascinating country.
There will also be photos and information about Arura village in the West Bank with whom Faringdon is setting up a friendship link.The Palsoc Dabke groups will of course be performing - something you don't want to miss!

Oxford Amnesty Lectures
will include Karma Nabulsi, Lecturer in International Relations, Oxford, and former PLO Representative. That the General Will is Indestructible: From a Citizen of Geneva to the Citizens of Gaza: Wednesday 17 February 2010 . Lectures start at 5.30pm in the Hall, Taylor Institution Library, St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3NA Tickets will be on sale from December 2009.

Saint Antony’s College: Middle East Centre: Seminars,
Lectures and Conferences Programme for Hilary Term 2010 (All welcome)

Protecting Palestinian children: Whose concepts? Whose politics? Dr. Jason Hart (Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath) Seminars will take place at 5.00pm on Wednesdays,
in Seminar Room 1, Oxford Department of International Development (QEH),
3 Mansfield Road, Oxford (OX1 3TB).

University Palsoc events :
Dabkeh Dance Classes
Every Wednesday,Old Refectory, Wadham College 8pm Beginners, 9 Advanced and Troupe

Israeli Apartheid Week
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events held
in cities and campuses across the globe. The aim of IAW is to educate people
about the nature of Israel as an apartheid system and to build Boycott,
Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns as part of a growing global BDS
This year, Oxford's own Israeli Apartheid Week, hosted by Arab Cultural
Society, will include fantastic events everyday, including talks by renowned
speakers. Keep listening out for more information.

Many people expressed interest in the Palestinian Hiphop artists documented in the film, and wanted to get hold of the music.
The artists that were featured were DAM, PR (Palestinian Rapperz), Abeer, Arapeyat and Mahmoud Shalabi.

Luckily, both the DVD and the soundtrack have now been released, and you can order them online here:
