Sunday, September 18, 2011

Letter on Gaza

To: The Representatives of the Middle East Quartet (UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) and European Union foreign ministers
Re. Palmer report and the continued closure of Gaza
Dear Foreign Minister,
As international humanitarian, development, human rights and peace-building organisations, we are writing to you in response to the report of the Panel of Inquiry led by Sir Geoffrey Palmer and established by the UN Secretary-General. Given the common misconceptions about the Palmer report’s findings, we ask you to ensure that its claim that the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip is lawful is not misunderstood to mean that the entire closure regime imposed on Gaza is legal. We also ask you to step up efforts to ensure an immediate and unconditional lifting of the closure.
According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the guardian of international humanitarian law, the closure of Gaza “constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations under international humanitarian law”. In contrast, the Palmer report only focuses on the naval blockade of Gaza and explicitly does not address the legality of the overall closure regime which includes sweeping restrictions on the movement of goods and persons via land crossings.
Many of the undersigned organisations have humanitarian and development programmes in Gaza and continue to witness the unnecessary daily suffering of the civilian population, over half of whom are children, due to the closure policy. The steps taken by Israel to ease some restrictions have not resulted in meaningful improvements in the lives of Gaza’s 1.6 million residents.
Since January 2011, exports from Gaza have amounted to around one per cent of pre-2007 levels, despite Israel’s promises to increase them. Imports of construction materials have remained below 20 per cent of pre-2007 levels, impeding the reconstruction of schools, hospitals, homes and businesses that were damaged and destroyed in Israel’s 2008-2009 military operation Cast Lead. The number of Palestinians allowed to leave Gaza through the Israeli crossings remains below one per cent of pre-2000 levels and even patients in need of urgent treatment outside Gaza are often still denied exit. According to the World Food Programme, three quarters of Gaza’s population continue to rely on humanitarian aid, while 54 per cent are food insecure.
The Palmer report does note that the humanitarian and human rights situation in Gaza is “unsustainable, unacceptable and not in the interests of any of those concerned”, but merely calls on Israel to “continue with its efforts to ease its restrictions on movement of goods and persons to and from Gaza”.
Instead of only easing the restrictions, Israel should be required to comply with its international legal obligations and lift its closure on Gaza fully and immediately. This means allowing exports as well as imports, subject only to legitimate and proportionate security checks, and allowing Palestinians to travel between Gaza and the West Bank, which are internationally recognised as a single territorial unit. It also means ensuring Palestinians’ access to arable land currently located inside the “buffer zone” imposed by Israel within Gaza’s perimeter and allowing Palestinian fishermen access to their coastal waters.
Jean-Etienne DE LINARES
General Delegate
ACAT France
Frans Mikael JANSEN
Secretary General
ActionAid Denmark
Secretary General
Amnesty International
Broederlijk Delen (Belgium)
Chris BAIN
Bernard PINAUD
General Delegate
CCFD-Terre Solidaire (France)
Secretary General
Secretary General
Diakonia (Sweden)
Euro-Mediterranean Human
Rights Network
Donatella VERGARI
General Secretary
Terre des hommes Italy
Steven JAMES
Chief Executive
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Executive Director
medico international (Germany)
Dr. Maja HESS
medico international schweiz
Pax Christi Flanders
General Director
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale
Head of Office
Quaker Council for European
Save the Children International
Trócaire (Ireland)
Co-director, IKV Pax Christi
United Civilians for Peace
(A coalition comprising Oxfam
Novib, Cordaid, ICCO and IKV Pax


September 18th bulletin

Bulletin no.233, 18th September 2011

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign exists to build a mass solidarity movement on Palestine. It is founded on principles of justice, human rights, and opposition to all forms of racism.

Any expression of racism or intolerance, or attempts to deny or minimise the Holocaust have no place in our movement. Such sentiments are abhorrent in their own right and can only detract from the building of a strong movement in support of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people. We welcome all those who share our aims to join PSC.

Our campaign is a positive one, working to ensure the freedoms enjoyed by people throughout the world are not denied to the people of Palestine. We seek to build a movement where all those who are in support of our core demands can take part. Join us, and let us create a world free of occupation, free of racism and where the human rights of all are protected.

Upcoming Events: Local
Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association Planning meeting – Oxford Tuesday September 20, 2011 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford Please come along and help plan our next projects.
Everyone welcome.

The Negev Bedouin story
Dr Awad el Farj, a prominent leader of the Bedouin community, will speak about the impact of Israel’s policies on its struggle for survival
7.30pm Tuesday 11 October
Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions
Becky Worth, an Oxford student, will talk about her experiences of working with an a rebuilding camp in Palestine organised by this non-violent direct action group
7.30pm, Tuesday 8 November
Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford

The struggle against the colonisation of the Jordan Valley
This meeting will be addressed by Rosa of the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign who will have recently returned from the area.
7,30pm, Tuesday 13 December
Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford

Saturday street stall: The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket Street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: it’s an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at if you're able to help.
PS ... If you can only do an hour or so, then that’s good too, email us for information and turn up on the day. Thank you to all who volunteered for vacant slots
Any help is much appreciated.

This Saturday we had, unusually in the last two years, two rather aggressive Zionists coming up to argue with us on the stall. (It is unusual because nowadays the majority of people in Oxford and visitors from abroad support the Palestinian cause). The best thing to do is keep calm and argue rationally without getting angry – remembering that many who now are on our side were once Zionists – see this link: .

Oct 5th 7-9pm What is happening in Palestine? St Anthony of Padua Parish Hall, 115 Headley Way, Oxford OX3 7SS.(near the JR) Speakers: David Scarpa and Ann Farr, who has recently returned from 3 months in Palestine as an EAPPI volunteer. Organised by Pax Christi and the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Israel and Palestine. Everyone welcome. Further detail from Anne Dodd 01235 525997

Sunday November 13th 4-5.30pm, Friends Meeting House, St Giles, Oxford

Palestinian Voices
Helen Griffith spent three months on the West Bank witnessing the daily struggle of Palestinians under occupation by the Israeli army. She went as an “Ecumenical accompanier” and will give her testimony of that experience.

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) brings internationals to the West Bank to provide protective presence to vulnerable communities, monitor and report human rights abuses and support Palestinians and Israelis working together for peace.

For more information see

Sing for peace and justice for Palestinians
The Sea Green Singers will perform songs of solidarity with Palestinians, celebrating their lives and resistance. The choir is a regular at events supporting peace and justice around Oxfordshire.

For more information see
Sunday November 13th 4-5.30pm, Friends Meeting House, St Giles, Oxford

Upcoming Events: UK/International
PSC Weekly Update here:
PSC Branch Forum, In Liverpool Saturday 24 September, 12noon to 4pm
At The Quaker Meeting House in Liverpool
22 School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BT Map and directions: PLEASE NOTE: We will be operating a pool fare system, PSC will cover travel expenses above the average fare. Lunch will be provided. The PSC Branch Forum is open to all members of the PSC.
Boycott Israel Network residential weekend
I've been asked to pass on information about the
5th Boycott Israel Network Workshop:14th -16th October 2011 Coalbrookdale Youth Hostel,1 Paradise, Coalbrookdale, Telford, TF8 7NR.


The Trades Union Congress, representing 6.5 million workers in the UK, voted overwhelmingly today (14 September 2011) to deplore the 'anti-democratic law' passed by the Israeli Knesset banning individuals and organisations in Israel from calling for the boycott of Israel, and reaffirmed existing policy to 'work closely with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to actively encourage affiliates, employers and pension funds to disinvest from, and boycott the goods of, companies who profit from illegal settlements, the Occupation and the construction of the Wall'.

The new policy also 'calls on all unions on the basis of this policy to review their bi-lateral relations with all Israeli organisations, including Histadrut'. The motion was proposed by Unite the Union , and an amendment was proposed by the PCS.

Hugh Lanning, Chair of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and Deputy General Secretary of the PCS Union which moved the amendment, said:

'Today British trade unions have decided not to buy into the Israeli occupation - not to buy goods from firms or work with organisations complicit with Israel 's illegal occupation, settlements and wall.

' Israel must be made to honour international law. The UN, Obama and the EU should be making Palestine a reality not blocking their freedom.'

Hugh Lanning continued: 'Companies are paying the price for their complicity with Israel 's crimes. Agrexco, infamous for exporting produce from Israel and the illegal settlements, has gone into liquidation. Veolia has lost contracts worth millions of pounds. It is time for companies and organisations to recognise that they must end their complicity with occupation and war crimes. The trade union movement was a central pillar of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa . And today, trade unions in Britain are taking the same principled stance - supporting peace and justice, and opposing racism and apartheid.'

For the full text of the motion and amendment:

For the latest news from Palestine see
see also

Other Items:

Student’s freshers' pack, and useful material available here . For all students.

An interesting post by the conservative scandal monger Guido Fawkes:Note how the BBC is willing to be led by the nose: After his story earlier in the week about pro-Israel lobby group BICOM, Guido was tipped that their CEO Lorna Fitzsimons, the former Labour MP, was in some serious trouble. He was tracking down an email that was accidentally sent out on Monday to some of BICOM’s media list instead of the intended recipients – the donors. Annoyingly Ephraim Hardcastle beat him to it this morning and reveals how Lorna blurted to the world that she has been:
“…liaising with BBC and Sky to ensure ‘the most objectively favourable line was taken…I briefed Jonathan Ford, the Financial Times leader writer for his upcoming leading article… BICOM had regular contact with the Editor at Large of Prospect magazine, David Goodhart, helping to inform him about the forthcoming UN vote on Palestinian statehood…”

Please sign the petitions on the national PSC website:

An e petition to the UK government on the issue of Palestinian statehood.
‘This House believes that the British government should recognise Palestine as a state and support its admission to the UN in September 2011.’
The link to the e-petition site is here:

-But here is some of the argument against it: Bantustans and the unilateral declaration of statehood
I would welcome opinions on this important argument, and will put the strongest arguments on our website.

Re. Palmer report and the continued closure of Gaza
Dear Foreign Minister,
As international humanitarian, development, human rights and peace-building organisations, we are writing to you in response to the report of the Panel of Inquiry led by Sir Geoffrey Palmer and established by the UN Secretary-General. Given the common misconceptions about the Palmer report’s findings, we ask you to ensure that its claim that the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip is lawful is not misunderstood to mean that the entire closure regime imposed on Gaza is legal. We also ask you to step up efforts to ensure an immediate and unconditional lifting of the closure...
Instead of only easing the restrictions, Israel should be required to comply with its international legal obligations and lift its closure on Gaza fully and immediately. This means allowing exports as well as imports, subject only to legitimate and proportionate security checks, and allowing Palestinians to travel between Gaza and the West Bank, which are internationally recognised as a single territorial unit. It also means ensuring Palestinians’ access to arable land currently located inside the “buffer zone” imposed by Israel within Gaza’s perimeter and allowing Palestinian fishermen access to their coastal waters.
Sincerely, See enclosed PDF file

From West Surrey PSC:
We recently had a speaker, Susan Lourenco, of MachsomWatch talk at a public meeting in Guildford. MachsomWatch produced a powerful documentary film, Kalandia - A Checkpoint Story, in 2009. Unfortunately she only had 3 copies available at the meeting so one of our members, George, has started producing these DVDs on their behalf. We are selling them for £8.00 incl. postage and £5.00 of that goes to MachsomWatch. We believe the film would be a very useful tool for meetings as well as for general sale.

I have attached a detailed synopsis of the film but a brief one can be viewed here -

You can view a trailer of the film here -

The DVDs can be purchased from our website -

If you would prefer to purchase via post then you can contact George at -

Machsom Watch is a group of Israeli women, peace activists from all sectors of Israeli society, who oppose the Israeli occupation and the denial of Palestinians' rights to move freely in their land. Since 2001, they have conducted daily observations of Israeli army checkpointsin the West Bank, along the separation wall and beyond where Palestinians are often harassed and humiliated. You can read more about them at -

Kind regards
John Murphy
West Surrey PSC

Please send items to go in the bulletin to David Hillman on: And please send any comments or criticisms to me at the same address


Video of talk by Diana Neslen

Diana Neslen (Jews for Justice for Palestinians): a Jewish perspective on human rights and Israel

A talk by Diana Neslen, entitled 'Human rights: A Jewish perspective on Israel'. Diana is a member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians. The talk was organised by the Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign. (13 September 2011)

"Most of us, dissident Jews, feel existential pain on seeing how Israel treats those over whom it has dominium. Our concerns are enhanced by the knowledge that far from singling out Israel for attack, the leaders of the Western world make every effort to genuflect to her and to follow her lead… [W]e feel even more passionately that it is up to us to challenge the craven behaviour of the powers that be."

