Some coming events
Public Meeting
Tuesday 11 September 2012
7.30 – 9.30pm
Oxford Town Hall
Chris Cole, Drone Wars UK
Harry Fear, journalist and documentary maker, recently returned from Gaza
Oxford Stop the War and Oxford PSC
We are organising another meeting at St Margarets Church on the evening of October 10th focussing this time on Jerusalem.
The main speaker is going to be Linda Ramsden the Director of ICAHD UK who will talk about the political situation, but in addition we were hoping to have one or two other speakers to talk from a personal viewpoint about living/growing up in Jerusalem and the impact of the political situation on their lives. Then we would finish with questions and discussion.
I was wondering if you know of anyone in the Oxford area (or who could come to Oxford) who might be able to do this. Any ideas would be appreciated - either about possible speakers themselves or about anyone else who might be able to suggest a speaker.
Public Meeting
Tuesday 11 September 2012
7.30 – 9.30pm
Oxford Town Hall
Chris Cole, Drone Wars UK
Harry Fear, journalist and documentary maker, recently returned from Gaza
Oxford Stop the War and Oxford PSC
We are organising another meeting at St Margarets Church on the evening of October 10th focussing this time on Jerusalem.
The main speaker is going to be Linda Ramsden the Director of ICAHD UK who will talk about the political situation, but in addition we were hoping to have one or two other speakers to talk from a personal viewpoint about living/growing up in Jerusalem and the impact of the political situation on their lives. Then we would finish with questions and discussion.
I was wondering if you know of anyone in the Oxford area (or who could come to Oxford) who might be able to do this. Any ideas would be appreciated - either about possible speakers themselves or about anyone else who might be able to suggest a speaker.