Palestinian Child Prisoners
§ Palestinian Child Prisoners: How the Israeli
Military Criminalises a Generation. Monday, November 18 at 7:30pm Monday,
November 18, 2013
November 29th (7th
week): ‘The European Union and Israel/Palestine: EU Policies and Israeli
Prerogatives in Fragmented Borderlands’Dr Raffaella Del Sarto European University Institute, Florence & John
Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Seminars will be held on Fridays at 5.00 p.m. in the
Middle East Centre, 68 Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6JF
St Mary's Harvest Appeal: Keeping Hope Alive in Palestine
- The Olive Tree Campaign.
As part of the fundraising events, there will be a film screening
in Iffley Village Hall of 5 Broken Cameras, Saturday
30th November, 4pm, tickets are donation only. The documentary is set is
Palestine and tells of the struggles of this one particular village and it's
non-violent struggle against the wall. More information about the documentary
can be found at: The award winning documentary was nominated
for the Oscars and short listed. Facebook link copied-in below and poster
attached :)
Tickets are donation only and can be purchased at the
door. We would recommend that you reserve by replying to this message with the
number of tickets you would like, as there has been a lot of interest already! With best wishes, Mariam –
The Palestinian
History Tapestry Christmas Bazaar
Diary date please... Saturday December 7th
at the Friends Meeting House 43 St Giles Oxford, between 2pm and 5pm we will be holding our Christmas
Bazaar. We will be selling beautiful
embroidery from Gaza and from many other parts of Palestine to suit all tastes
and pockets. The faithful olive tree has provided us with, edible produce
through Zaytoun, and olive wood
artifacts through Palcraft Hadeel. [see samples of sale items below] Last year
was a great success and we met up with many of our friends and supporters.
Please come and see the Palestinian History Tapestry panels and spacers
and hear about the work in progress in Gaza and the Galilee.
We look forward to seeing you. Don't miss it
Every Saturday 11.30-1.30pm: OXFORD PSC STALL in
Cornmarket by St Michael at Northgate church. The OPSC Saturday street stall
on Cornmarket Street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of
Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activ
ity for offering information leaflets to the public,
inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates.
Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift.
Please consider volunteering for a shift: it’s an opportunity to meet other PSC
members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge
our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email Ali
at if you're able to help.
Events: UK/International
PSC update – including lobby of Parliament
Other Items:
Palestine Solidarity Campaign 2013 Christmas
They are £3 for a pack of 5 and £12
for a set of 25.
The real truth about Palestine
Please email me to remind me of events you want to
be publicised, as I find I’m sometimes forgetful.
send items to go in the bulletin to David Hillman on: And
please send any comments or criticisms to me at the same address.