April events
8 April: Mahmoud Hawari,
archaeologist, will speak about Jerusalem.7.30pm Oxford Town Hall, all welcome.
Mahmoud, leading
archaeologist of Jerusalem, and of all Palestine and the Middle East, author of
several books, has taught in Oxford and Palestinian Universities, and has been
a leading member of Palestine Solidarity in many places including Oxford. Archaeology
in Israel and Palestine is very entwined with politics.
Boycott actions:
On the first Saturdays of following weeks we
shall be leafleting local stores stocking Sodastream, and other Sainsburys
branches. The Argos store off Botley Road and Robert Dyas hardware store on the
Clarendon Centre both stock Sodastream products. If you shop at either of these
stores, at Sainsburys, or indeed at Tescos and are offended at settlement goods
being on sale, write to the manager (politely and reasonably).
Every Saturday 11.30-1.30pm: OXFORD PSC STALL in
Cornmarket by St Michael at Northgate church. The OPSC Saturday street stall
on Cornmarket Street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of
Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activ
- ity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: it’s an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email Ali at OPSCstall@gmail.com if you're able to help.
If you are not already a member of PSC join
us now!
Events: UK/International
Campaigning for
Palestine: a trade union conference A Palestine Solidarity Campaign conference
for delegates from trade unions, sponsored by the TUC Saturday 5 April 2014 -
See more at: http://www.palestinecampaign.org/tuconference/#sthash.v2n789Eg.dpuf
Please contact me if you have information about Israeli produce
especially settlement produce, in local shops, and if you would like to
participate in leafleting the stores on March 1st.