Jerusalem art Exhibition: Children's painting competition.
Gallery Wall, Central Library , Queen Street, Oxford OX1 1DJ
Now until September 12th
This exhibition of paintings by children aged 7-17 from throughout the Arab world of Jerusalem is free and on display during library opening hours.
The Jerusalem Day Society, which is currently based in Jordan, takes responsibility for the education of the younger generations about the holy city of Jerusalem, culturally and artistically. The Society runs annual competitions in painting, short story writing, and poetry. The main goal of the Society is to promote knowledge and understanding about the City of Jerusalem amongst young people, some of who have lost their homes. All the paintings in this exhibition are the individual work of children aged 7 - 17 who took part in past competitions.
The exhibition has been held in different cities across the UK including Birmingham, London, Southampton and Oxford. Once the tour is over, the paintings will be offered for sale as a means of recognizing the talents of young children as well as fundraising to support children’s education in Jerusalem. The proceeds of sale will ALL be donated to support schools desperately in need of funding. Jerusalem Day Society has a well-established relationship with a number of schools that lack financial support, thus the number of schools receiving funds will depend on the funds raised. Your help means that more Palestinian children will continue to attend school and be educated. Education makes the difference.
The sale arrangements are yet to be announced. If you would like to receive updates on how to buy any painting and when they will become available for sale, please email me, Carol Hage, for more details. My email address is
The exhibition has been held in different cities across the UK including Birmingham, London, Southampton and Oxford. Once the tour is over, the paintings will be offered for sale as a means of recognizing the talents of young children as well as fundraising to support children’s education in Jerusalem. The proceeds of sale will ALL be donated to support schools desperately in need of funding. Jerusalem Day Society has a well-established relationship with a number of schools that lack financial support, thus the number of schools receiving funds will depend on the funds raised. Your help means that more Palestinian children will continue to attend school and be educated. Education makes the difference.
The sale arrangements are yet to be announced. If you would like to receive updates on how to buy any painting and when they will become available for sale, please email me, Carol Hage, for more details. My email address is