- Daniel Taub, Israel's ambassador to the UK, has been invited to speak at the Oxford Union on Tuesday.
We, as residents and students of Oxford, believe that a talk by Taub - the representative of a regime responsible for the deaths of over 2,200 Palestinians, including 490 children in Gaza this summer - provides a platform for the whitewashing of Israeli war crimes and brutality. Tuesday 28th at 7.30.
Please join us outside the Oxford Union to show that he is not welcome https://www.facebook.com/events/350774258425928/?ref=29&ref_notif_type=plan_user_invited&source=1
Helpers needed for our PSC stall at the One World Fair, Oxford Town Hall, Saturday 22 November. If you can offer an hour or two between 10 am and 4pm it would be much appreciated. We aim to have two people on the stall at any one time. We also need helpers to transport materials to and from the event (particularly around 4.00 to help us pack up and transport leftover materials). It is always a very enjoyable event. Please reply to this mailing with any help you can offer and an indication of what time you would prefer to cover the stall. Many thanks!We are now running a regular stall on Cornmarket twice a week:
Every Saturday 11.30-1.30pm: OXFORD PSC STALL in Cornmarket by St
Michael at Northgate church. The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket
Street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with
the public at large. It is an important activity
- for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: it’s an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email Ali at OPSCstall@gmail.com if you're able to help. And : For anyone who haven't heard yet,from Wednesday the 28th May until September, Mel and others will be doing a stand every Wednesday between 12.30- 2.30 pm, please let us know if you can help, especially setting up and clearing, we hope to get as many of you as possible, please pass the word around and drop by after your Wednesday market shopping.The Balfour Project and OxPeace are delighted to advise you of ...
An evening commemorating the 97th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 Understanding the Present Conflict
Thursday October 30th at 7.45pm
The Auditorium, St John'sCollege,
St Giles, Oxford OX1 3JP
· Excerpt from: Faraway, So Close - a theatre piece by Amy Hailwood
· Launch of new educational documentary: Britain in Palestine
· A panel* will then discuss and answer question on the history and issues raised by the drama and the film
· Closing remarks by The Very Reverend Nicholas Frayling
To be followed by refreshments
* The Panel includes Professor Avi Shlaim, Dr Mary Embleton, Sir Vincent Feane and Dr Andrew Gosler
For details see: Britain in Palestine
Organised jointly by the Balfour Project and OxPeace
Organised jointly by the Balfour Project and OxPeace
An evening of
music, dance & food. With great music from RAAST. Palestinian goodies and
plenty of fun. Supporting the Harvest Appeal: Keeping The Olive Tree Campaign - Keep Hope Alive. Tickets -
donation of £6.50 at the door. Reserving recommended, email:
Here is
the National PSC update http://www.palestinecampaign.org/category/psc-updates/
can be downloaded and printed off here: http://www.palestinecampaign.org/information/factsheets/
Jerusalem and the Fate of Palestinians |
Israeli activist Jeff Halper says the recent tension
and violence in Jerusalem is a product of defeated Palestinian political
resistance and Israel's policy of Judaization -