Sunday, February 01, 2015 



                                                    Upcoming Events:
      All welcome
      Note that the date for the hustings meeting is now 23rd April
      Activist social media skills
      An informal session exploring how we can use social media to grow and maximise the impact of our campaigns. Venue has Wi-Fi.  Bring your own device (laptop, ipad or smartphone)
      7.30pm, Tuesday 10 February
      Far From the Madding Crowd, Friars Entry (off Magdalen street)
      Celebrating Palestinian women
      To mark International Womens Festival Jan Chalmers will speak about the Palestinian Tapestry Project.
      7.30pm Tuesday 10 March
      Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford
      International issues and the general election
      Parliamentary candidates are being invited to come along to a meeting jointly organised by Oxford PSC and other international and peace campaign organisations. Details to be confirmed.
      7.30pm Tuesday 23rd April
      Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford
      Oxford PSC Annual General Meeting
      AGM where we will have a guest speaker (to be confirmed), review our activities, plan ahead and elect our team of officers.
      7.30pm Tuesday 12 May

Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford


Middle East Centre, St Antony’s College


Fri, February 6, 17:00 – 19:00

Nissan Lecture Theatre, St Antony's College

EU Middle East Policy Framework

Dr Christian Berger (Director for North Africa, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq, European External Action Service, Brussels)


Fri, February 13, 17:00 – 19:00

Middle East Centre, St Antony's College

How European Governments subcontract policy on Israel/Palestine to parliamentarians, civil society and businesses

Dr Phyllis Starkey (Former MP, and St Antony’s College)


Fri, February 20, 17:00 – 19:00

Nissan lecture Theatre, St Antony's

Israel-Palestine: Can Europe Save the Two-States Idea

Dr Alon Liel (Former Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel Aviv University)





Robert Wistrich – Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Old Fears… New Threats? Mon 16 Feb at 20:00

Mehdi Hasan challenges leading Jewish scholar Robert S. Wistrich over why he thinks criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East is a modern manifestation of historical anti-Jewish hatred.  Is anti-Zionism the new face of anti-Semitism?  Are boycotts of Israel driven by prejudice or principle?  Is criticism of the Palestinians and the Muslim world Islamophobic? And should we take Islamophobia more seriously?

To register for this event, go to: 


We were sad to learn of the death of  Mike Marqusee. He had wanted to talk to us all in Oxford and twice we arranged it, but the ups and downs in his health made this not to be.



As an Oxford ant- invitation of Marin Le Pen to the Oxford Union. On this an open letter can be found here here:  and we have been asked to support the UAF rally with Maz Saleem speaking, taking place on 28th Jan in Oxford Town Hall and encourage members to attend, and to support the UAF protest that will take place on 5th February if Marine Le Pen’s talk goes ahead and encourage members to attend racist organisation-  we are pleased to help spread the distribution of this document  opposing the.


G continues her work as an Ecumenical Accompanier  You can find out more about the programme and read some of the reports of fellow EAs on the EAPPI website