I am pleased to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of Oxford PSC at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11 May 2009 at the Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford. All supporters are welcome to attend but only PSC members may submit motions, vote on resolutions or stand for office. Membership forms will be available at the meeting for those who are not already members but who wish to join and fully participate in the meeting.
Our guest speaker will be Tony Gratrex who recently went to Gaza with the Viva Palestina convoy.
If you are already a PSC member and would like to submit a motion to the meeting please send it to carolineraine1@btinternet.com by Tuesday 27 April. Motions will be circulated to members in advance of the meeting.
The following officers will be elected at the AGM for the coming year:
§ Chair
§ Secretary
§ Treasurer
§ Membership secretary
§ Student liaison
§ Trade union liaison
§ Communications officer
§ Stall coordinator
The meeting will also elect committee members to work with the officers on campaigns and activities.
Please think about standing for one of these positions or as a committee member. All officer posts can be job shared. If you would like more information about what is involved please contact me. Also if there are other ways you would particularly like to be involved e.g. helping with publicity or press liaison.
We look forward to seeing you on 11 May.
Best wishes, Caroline Raine
PSC Weekly Update 16 April http://www.palestinecampaign.org/Index7b.asp?m_id=1&l1_id=4&l2_id=106&Content_ID=1259
With the General Election only weeks away, now is the time to find out if the Parliamentary candidates in your area support peace and justice for the Palestinians.
Use our campaigning tool to contact your candidates and let them know the strength of public feeling for a just resolution for Palestine, and make them aware that this is a key election issue. http://www.palestinecampaign.org/ Note the STW hustings at the Town Hall on the 20th April.
Upcoming Events:
PSC Annual General Meeting. Tuesday 11 May, Oxford Town Hall, 7.30pm: this is our AGM, all
welcome, but only PSC members can vote.
Saturday street stall: (notice from Seyda) Could people please contact me on my home number 01865 880344 mobile7983334322 or e-mail me seydacooke@virgin.net. Please let me know what you can do even if it means an hour slot, which is fine too. Volunteers needed 11.30 – 1.30. This is one of the main ways we raise the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It takes a couple of hours (plus a bit each side to collect and return the materials). Two people at all times means you always have backup. If each supporter did one Saturday a month we would be covered.
Tuesday 20th April Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association. Oxford Town Hall. 7.00. A short meeting before the hustings.
Oxford Stop the War Coalition invites you to General Election Question TimeTuesday 20 April, 7.30pmOxford Town Hall, St AldatesFeaturing local General Election candidatesConfirmed so far: candidates from Labour, Liberal Democrats, GreenParty, and UKIP, plus Sami Ramadani (Stop the War Coalition)Also invited: candidate from Conservative PartyAll welcomeCome and put your questions to the panel.—GENERAL ELECTION 2010: MAKE PALESTINE THE ISSUE - LOBBY YOUR PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES
Saturday 24th April: OXFORD: People's Charter conference 10.00 - 15.30. And On Sat. 24th April the Oxford People's Charter Programme is holding a panel question event at East Oxford Community Centre at 2.30pm.:Oxford People's Charter Conference10am-3.30pm Saturday 24th April (registration 9.30am)East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road, OxfordFull details from:Oxford People's Charter Campaign Grouppeoplescharter.oxford@yahoo.co.uk07967392229www.thepeoplescharter.com(Several members of Oxford PSC will be leading workshops, wearing other hats, and I will chair a workshop for OSTW which will certainly tackle questions on Palestine)
This film is one that the women from the Synagogue have been urging the NOW Gaza exhibition committee to see.It's on at the University Church on April 22nd at 7.30pm.Here's a link to a review in the Electronic Intifada which is probably a fair description of it. Sounds like it would be worth seeing http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article6781.shtml
Nizar Rohana Concert in Oxford , April 27th at 7:30 Location: Holywell Music Room - http://www.music.ox.ac.uk/facilities/Holywell-music-room.html Guest Musician: Shirley Smart- Cello. Tickets available from: http://www.oxfordplayhouse.com/ticketsoxfordor directly on 07809450546
‘In the grip of UNRWA’s Educational Policies and State Discrimination: young Palestinian students in refugee camps in Lebanon’
The seminar will investigate whether or not UNRWA educational policies in Lebanon are addressing the particular needs of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon who are deprived of their main human rights such as the right for education and employment. The study will report the results of an empirical study of the quality of education in UNRWA secondary schools in Lebanon and its impact on young Palestinians.
Dr Maha Shuayb,Senior Visiting Fellow,Centre for Lebanese Studies,St Antony’s College on Tuesday 27 April at 5 p.m. The Middle East Centre 68 Woodstock Road
Mayday Rally! Saturday 1st May, Oxford MAY DAY Rally. Assemble 12.30pm Manzil Way for the march to Bonn Square. A PSC speaker will talk about the Palestinians on international workers’ day.
Levellers Day. 10:30 - 18:00 Saturday 15th May 2010. Burford, Oxfordshire. Oxford PSC will have a presence at this enjoyable day. http://www.levellers.org.uk/
I am pleased to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of Oxford PSC at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11 May 2009 at the Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford. All supporters are welcome to attend but only PSC members may submit motions, vote on resolutions or stand for office. Membership forms will be available at the meeting for those who are not already members but who wish to join and fully participate in the meeting.
Our guest speaker will be Tony Gratrex who recently went to Gaza with the Viva Palestina convoy.
If you are already a PSC member and would like to submit a motion to the meeting please send it to carolineraine1@btinternet.com by Tuesday 27 April. Motions will be circulated to members in advance of the meeting.
The following officers will be elected at the AGM for the coming year:
§ Chair
§ Secretary
§ Treasurer
§ Membership secretary
§ Student liaison
§ Trade union liaison
§ Communications officer
§ Stall coordinator
The meeting will also elect committee members to work with the officers on campaigns and activities.
Please think about standing for one of these positions or as a committee member. All officer posts can be job shared. If you would like more information about what is involved please contact me. Also if there are other ways you would particularly like to be involved e.g. helping with publicity or press liaison.
We look forward to seeing you on 11 May.
Best wishes, Caroline Raine
PSC Weekly Update 16 April http://www.palestinecampaign.org/Index7b.asp?m_id=1&l1_id=4&l2_id=106&Content_ID=1259
With the General Election only weeks away, now is the time to find out if the Parliamentary candidates in your area support peace and justice for the Palestinians.
Use our campaigning tool to contact your candidates and let them know the strength of public feeling for a just resolution for Palestine, and make them aware that this is a key election issue. http://www.palestinecampaign.org/ Note the STW hustings at the Town Hall on the 20th April.
Upcoming Events:
PSC Annual General Meeting. Tuesday 11 May, Oxford Town Hall, 7.30pm: this is our AGM, all
welcome, but only PSC members can vote.
Saturday street stall: (notice from Seyda) Could people please contact me on my home number 01865 880344 mobile7983334322 or e-mail me seydacooke@virgin.net. Please let me know what you can do even if it means an hour slot, which is fine too. Volunteers needed 11.30 – 1.30. This is one of the main ways we raise the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It takes a couple of hours (plus a bit each side to collect and return the materials). Two people at all times means you always have backup. If each supporter did one Saturday a month we would be covered.
Tuesday 20th April Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association. Oxford Town Hall. 7.00. A short meeting before the hustings.
Oxford Stop the War Coalition invites you to General Election Question TimeTuesday 20 April, 7.30pmOxford Town Hall, St AldatesFeaturing local General Election candidatesConfirmed so far: candidates from Labour, Liberal Democrats, GreenParty, and UKIP, plus Sami Ramadani (Stop the War Coalition)Also invited: candidate from Conservative PartyAll welcomeCome and put your questions to the panel.—GENERAL ELECTION 2010: MAKE PALESTINE THE ISSUE - LOBBY YOUR PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES
Saturday 24th April: OXFORD: People's Charter conference 10.00 - 15.30. And On Sat. 24th April the Oxford People's Charter Programme is holding a panel question event at East Oxford Community Centre at 2.30pm.:Oxford People's Charter Conference10am-3.30pm Saturday 24th April (registration 9.30am)East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road, OxfordFull details from:Oxford People's Charter Campaign Grouppeoplescharter.oxford@yahoo.co.uk07967392229www.thepeoplescharter.com(Several members of Oxford PSC will be leading workshops, wearing other hats, and I will chair a workshop for OSTW which will certainly tackle questions on Palestine)
This film is one that the women from the Synagogue have been urging the NOW Gaza exhibition committee to see.It's on at the University Church on April 22nd at 7.30pm.Here's a link to a review in the Electronic Intifada which is probably a fair description of it. Sounds like it would be worth seeing http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article6781.shtml
Nizar Rohana Concert in Oxford , April 27th at 7:30 Location: Holywell Music Room - http://www.music.ox.ac.uk/facilities/Holywell-music-room.html Guest Musician: Shirley Smart- Cello. Tickets available from: http://www.oxfordplayhouse.com/ticketsoxfordor directly on 07809450546
‘In the grip of UNRWA’s Educational Policies and State Discrimination: young Palestinian students in refugee camps in Lebanon’
The seminar will investigate whether or not UNRWA educational policies in Lebanon are addressing the particular needs of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon who are deprived of their main human rights such as the right for education and employment. The study will report the results of an empirical study of the quality of education in UNRWA secondary schools in Lebanon and its impact on young Palestinians.
Dr Maha Shuayb,Senior Visiting Fellow,Centre for Lebanese Studies,St Antony’s College on Tuesday 27 April at 5 p.m. The Middle East Centre 68 Woodstock Road
Mayday Rally! Saturday 1st May, Oxford MAY DAY Rally. Assemble 12.30pm Manzil Way for the march to Bonn Square. A PSC speaker will talk about the Palestinians on international workers’ day.
Levellers Day. 10:30 - 18:00 Saturday 15th May 2010. Burford, Oxfordshire. Oxford PSC will have a presence at this enjoyable day. http://www.levellers.org.uk/
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