Sunday, January 02, 2011

January events 2011

Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign

January events

Upcoming Events: Local

Tuesday 11 January
Oxford PSC Branch Meeting
, Oxford Town Hall. 7:30. This will be a business and planning meeting. We have much to organise for the New Year. Sheikh Ramzy will be attending having just got back from an inter-faith peace conference in Bethlehem: he wants to tell us of his plans to plant many olive trees and suggestions to stop the ever increasing number of check points in the occupied territories.

Tuesday 18 Jan
Oxford Ramallah Friendship Society
. 7:00 Oxford Town Hall.
Discussion of video project, the next visit of young people from Al Amari, and local help for other organisations.

Friday 21 January Pegasus Theatre : The Gaza Monologues


The event will feature a 30 mins screening of a performance of the Gaza Mono-Logues by Pegasus Youth Companies performed at Pegasus in October (filmed by Anne-Marie Sweeney) plus Lebanese food and also a chance to share ideas about how we could get more organisations to buy the book of the Gaza Mono-Logues & the film to raise awareness & to further the fundraising reach and to see if anyone could organise a similar event to help towards the fundraising to bring the group from Gaza here! We will also have the film and the book version of the Gaza Mono-Logues on sale too at this event at £5 each!
Times: 7pm
Tickets: £10
Oxford PSC is very keen to help with this event. Pegasus is planning to bring 20 children over from Gaza this July for the festival in Oxford. We agreed to keep the tickets at £10 (as it is a fundraiser). They have room for up to 125 people in the theatre. Yasmin will also ask the two young people who went to the UN for the Gaza Monologues performance in Nov if they will speak/answer questions after the screening.
Publicity. Please publicise widely..
Food: Those with a talent for cooking Middle East type food and wish to donate some to the event contact Pam .
It will be great if the young people from Gaza can, in July, meet with those from AlAmari camp brought over by ORFA.

Monday 31 January – Thursday 3 February at 8pm Mark Thomas Extreme Rambling
BOOK NOW Pegasus Theatre
Following his sell-out nationwide show ‘The Manifesto’, award-winning comedian, activist and Pegasus patron Mark Thomas returns with his brand new show: Extreme Rambling (Walking The Wall).Never one to take an easy option, Mark decided to go rambling in the Middle East and walked the entire length of the Israeli Separation Barrier crossing between the Israeli and Palestinian side. This is the story of 300,000 settlers, a 750km wall, six arrests, one stoning, too much hummus and a simple question: Can you ever get away from it all with a good walk?
“… A brilliant investigative journalist disguised as a comedian…very funny indeed’ - DAILY TELEGRAPH

Saturday street stall: The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: its an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at if you're able to help.
PS ... If you can only do an hour or so, then that’s good too, email us for information and turn up on the day. So far we are short of people on the stall 29th Jan, 12th Feb, 26th Feb, 12th March, 26th March, 9th and 16th Apr

Upcoming Events: UK/International

PSC Annual General Meeting 2011
Saturday 22 January 2011, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1
The PSC Annual General Meeting is a vital event, discussing our work over the last year, and planning the future of our campaign - including motions and elections to the Executive Committee.
All members of national PSC may attend the AGM. If you are not sure whether your membership is up to date, please contact or 020 7700 6192
Cost: 8 waged, 6 unwaged (to cover cost of lunch)
In order to facilitate the smooth running of the AGM, and try to avoid lengthy registration queues, the registration deadline for the AGM as an individual will be 14 January 2011.
Register online now:

Latest update:


For the latest news from Palestine see

see also

Other Items:


This Monday afternoon a vigil was held outside the Israeli embassy in London to mark the second anniversary of the start of the IDF's Cast Lead operation. I attended and covered the event.

The video is available here:

PLEASE SHARE this content, so we can keep the momentum alive.

Please feel encouraged to embed the video on your website, or even download and use the video in accordance with this simple license -
A short synopsis of the video: Scenes and thoughts from London's Operation Cast Lead Second Anniversary Vigil:
Fifteen organisations, including the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, convened a vigil outside the Israeli embassy in London to mark the second year anniversary of the start of Israel's Operation Cast Lead military assault on Gaza in which 1,400 Palestinians were killed.

Many thanks,
Harry Fear

Happy New Year's from Bil'in
Dear friend,
At the threshold of the New Year, I write to wish you a new year of freedom and liberation. This has been an unbelievable year for me in both highs and lows. A year during which I have witnessed how, despite repression, ordinary people all across Palestine take to the streets for freedom.
In my village, Bil'in, thousands of people marched on the Wall today to take it down. During the demonstration, one protestor, a 36 year old resident of the village, Jawaher Abu-Rahmah, was critically injured by severe tear-gas inhalation. She is currently hospitalized in Ramallah, unresponsive to medical treatment as the doctors are fighting for her life.
Bil'in has been struggling for almost six years against the Wall that was built on our lands. The illegality and absurdity of this wall has been recognized worldwide, and even by the Israeli Supreme Court, which ruled it must be dismantled over three years ago. Yet the Wall still stands. We, the people of Bil'in, the people of Palestine, have waited enough. Today was therefore declared by the Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements as the last day of the Wall. Together with our supporters, we managed to bring a substantial part of the wall down but we still have a long way to go.
On a personal note, the beginning of 2011 also strikes notes of fear. In just a few days, on January 3rd, 2011, my trial in front of an Israeli military court will draw into conclusion. Captain Sharon Rivlin, the soldier-judge presiding in my case, will hand down my verdict. If found guilty of "incitement", my next letter will likely be written from inside a prison cell; If found guilty, despite having proved that evidence against me was falsified, I will proudly join my friend and comrade, Abdallah Abu Rahmah, who is now spending his second new year's eve behind bars. PSCC's media coordinator, my friend and brother in struggle, Israeli activist Jonathan Pollak, will also be going to prison for three months on January 11th, for protesting Israel’s siege on Gaza.
We are all facing tremendous challenges, as individuals and as a movement. It is our pride and strength that keeps us going. It is your support and involvement, which is becoming more crucial than ever. Join us – take our struggle forward, so that the year of 2011 will become an historical year of Palestinian liberation and a just peace.
In solidarity,
Mohammad Khatib

IT IS easy to despair before the filthy wave of racism that is engulfing us.
The remedy for this despair: the growing number of young people, sons and daughters of the new Israeli generation, who are joining the fight against racism and occupation…

To Join PSC NOW : How to join -Annual membership fees are £24 waged and £12 unwaged. Your membership is vital for us to continue our workn These links should work to join on line, dirty, shuddering images from the only foreigners who decided and managed to stay embedded inside Gaza strip ambulances, dded inside Gaza strip ambulances, with Palestinian civilians.
