Latest Events
Israeli and settlement dates were being sold locally. Ramadan approaches. Thank you to everyone who joined us on Saturday 16th July, on Cowley Road, to distribute leaflets to shops and restaurants. Such a good and welcoming response, from Greek, Turkish, and Asian shops, with people taking more leaflets, wanting to get more involved, and some dates being returned to sender.
Most supermarkets are not now selling settlement goods. Tesco’s is, though they have agreed to clearly mark them as such. If you want to make your point to the local Tesco’s, please do so politely (the local staff are not our enemy.
Other suggestions Welcome. Leaflets can be collected from our Saturday stall.
Local PSC member Ben Smith will tomorrow ( Monday 25th July) will be undertaking a 5 day, 600km mountainbike ride and will be riding to raise funds for MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians), it would be good to send him messages of support and sponsorship on his website:
A reminder that a local PSC member has been developing an educational website on Palestine She would welcome feedback.
Upcoming Events: Local
6TH, 2011
Saturday street stall: The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: its an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at if you're able to help.
PS ... If you can only do an hour or so, then that’s good too, email us for information and turn up on the day. Thank you to all who volunteered for vacant slots
Any help is much appreciated.
From Oxford Ramallah Friendship Society
19th July – 13 July
For details of the events see the Orfa or Oxford PSC websites: ,
I can not find the link to Mohammed’s interview at Radio Oxford but will try again.
Our Autumn programme should include a visit from a representative of Israeli Bedouin, a description of Jerusalem’s present state from a member of Jews for Justice, a talk from a member of Jordan Valley Solidarity, and the film Arna’s Children by Juliano. Further suggestions always welcome.
Actors from Gaza had tough journey to Oxford stage (Oxford Times) Thanks to all who helped raise money for this.
Lush, the cosmetics company, which has a branch on Cornmarket (be guided by your nose) has been active on ethical campaigns to due with the environment and with civil rights. All their staff have been involved. Some thanks would be good for their involvement in advertising the Free Palestine music. and here is the link to the Lush campaign: .
To congratulate them write to
You can add your support here
And here
Upcoming Events: UK/International
PSC Weekly update =
Most supermarkets are not now selling settlement goods. Tesco’s is, though they have agreed to clearly mark them as such. If you want to make your point to the local Tesco’s, please do so politely (the local staff are not our enemy.
Other suggestions Welcome. Leaflets can be collected from our Saturday stall.
Local PSC member Ben Smith will tomorrow ( Monday 25th July) will be undertaking a 5 day, 600km mountainbike ride and will be riding to raise funds for MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians), it would be good to send him messages of support and sponsorship on his website:
A reminder that a local PSC member has been developing an educational website on Palestine She would welcome feedback.
Upcoming Events: Local
6TH, 2011
Saturday street stall: The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: its an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at if you're able to help.
PS ... If you can only do an hour or so, then that’s good too, email us for information and turn up on the day. Thank you to all who volunteered for vacant slots
Any help is much appreciated.
From Oxford Ramallah Friendship Society
19th July – 13 July
For details of the events see the Orfa or Oxford PSC websites: ,
I can not find the link to Mohammed’s interview at Radio Oxford but will try again.
Our Autumn programme should include a visit from a representative of Israeli Bedouin, a description of Jerusalem’s present state from a member of Jews for Justice, a talk from a member of Jordan Valley Solidarity, and the film Arna’s Children by Juliano. Further suggestions always welcome.
Actors from Gaza had tough journey to Oxford stage (Oxford Times) Thanks to all who helped raise money for this.
Lush, the cosmetics company, which has a branch on Cornmarket (be guided by your nose) has been active on ethical campaigns to due with the environment and with civil rights. All their staff have been involved. Some thanks would be good for their involvement in advertising the Free Palestine music. and here is the link to the Lush campaign: .
To congratulate them write to
You can add your support here
And here
Upcoming Events: UK/International
PSC Weekly update =
Labels: Latest Events