July Events for Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign and others
Israeli and settlement dates are being sold in local supermarkets. Ramadan approaches. If you can join us on Saturday 16th July on Cowley Road to distribute leaflets and posters on this matter contact DavidHillman07@aol.com . Other suggestions welcome.
This month we have the opportunity to secure a chart position for a song called 'Freedom for Palestine' by a collective of musicians put together by Dave RandalThe song's chorus has a South African gospel choir and members of the London Community Gospel Choir singing 'Break down the wall – demand justice for all – Freedom for Palestine'. Listen to the song now!
http://www.waronwant.org/freedomoneworld/">facebook.com/#!/Freedom ">http://www.waronwant.org/freedomoneworld/ facebook.com/#!/Freedom http://www.facebook.com/#!/Freedom httlances, Circulate and publicise the website http://www.freedomoneworld.org/ and Facebook page: /www.facebook.com/FreedomOneWorld
Only costs 79 pence and takes 2 minutes – from the website above.
- Contact your local media, publicise the song, write letters about it, and contact your local radio stations to get them to play the song!!
- Wherever possible play the song or show the video, at events and so on..
We need all of you to make this happen.
Many thanks!!
New website http://www.palestine-primer.com/Palestine_Primer/History_%26_Background.html
http:// www.palestine-primer.com
This new website, built by a local PSC member, aims to be a single place where basic facts and information can be found on a whole variety of topics
Upcoming Events:
Saturday street stall: The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: its an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at OPSCstall@gmail.com if you're able to help.
PS ... If you can only do an hour or so, then that’s good too, email us for information and turn up on the day. Thank you to all who volunteered for vacant slots
Any help is much appreciated.
From Oxford Ramallah Friendship Society
A final planning meeting next Tuesday,5th July, at the Town Hall, 7.30.
Could you please email to say if you can help, if you gave transport and if you can give lifts or it would be good to see you at the events. Just let us know what you can do.
This is such a practical way of showing solidarity.
I have left the itinerary as an attachment and if you let me know when you are available I will add a column with the details added at the end of next week.
YOUTH VISIT July 2011 ORFA – Draft Itinerary (23/6/11)
Day 1/ Tues 19.07.11 Collection from airport. Very late arrival (Gatwick at 12:20 am). Explore overnight stay at reasonable hotel near Gatwick. Met by ORFA member and driven to Oxford Wed am.
Day 2/ Wednesday 20.07.11 Drive to Oxford. Acclimatisation to Oxford.Afternoon walk by river to city centre.Pm/Early eveningPicnic and sports – University Park.(If raining – provisional booking) Jenny asking if we could provisionally book Quaker Garden Room to use if rains.
Day 3/ Thursday 21.07.11 Am Visit to Cheney or Cherwell School to meet small group of students.Pm Mayor reception or Visit to Natural History Museum and Pitt Rivers Museum (TBC)Eve 7.30 Grease – New Theatre. Sara asking Cherwell school if visit possible.
Day 4/ Friday 22.07.11 Am Possible tour of BBC Radio OxfordPM/Eve - 4:30 pm North Wall Gaza Monologues – then party at Laila’s house (bring a pudding) Laila is exploring Radio Oxford.Laila asking Yasmin if Pegasus would like us to feed/host the young people for Gaza between their shows.
Day 5/ Saturday 23.07.11 Am Bourton-on-the-Water (The Model Village/Bird Park/Pottery) Pm Human Rights Discussion – two helpers plus four young peopleEve Hinksey Park – 8:30 pm Picnic (bring food), 9:30-11pm Film under the stars. Organised by OFVM. Older two could go to a museum am and then on to Human Rights Discussion or join part of the Bourton trip.
Day 6/ Sunday 24.07.11 Trip to Brighton: 9 am to 8.30 pm (TBC)Lunch at The Red RoasterFunfair/Pier/BeachMeet with members of Brighton PSC/ Tubas Twinning Coach cost £21 per head for 26 seater.Provisionally booked.
Day 7/ Monday 25.07.11 Day OFVM Workshop 10 am – 4 pm Animation4.30 pm Traditional Tea/ Aunt Sally GarsingtonEve Host families
Day 8/ Tuesday 26.07.11 Day OFVM Workshop 10 am – 4 pm AnimationEve 6.30 -9.00 Ceilidh with Woodcraft and Pegasus young people We could collect kids from Pegasus at 4.30 if that helps Yasmin and bring to Nikki’s until start of the Ceiilidh.
Day 9/ Wednesday 27.07.11 Day OFVM Workshop 10 am – 4 pm FlashEarly eve - visit to Abingdon for BBQ (Anthea, Belinda).
Day 10/ Thursday 28.07.11 Am OFVM Harry Potter Tour 11 am – 1 pm.PM – Harry Potter Trail with us. Eve Pizza oven party Rose Hill (Kirsten)
Day 11/ Fri 29.07.11 Day Trip to London (Science Museum, Parliament Buildings, London Eye). Train or Oxford Tube
Day 12/ Sat30.07.11 Day Shopping for gifts in Oxford and PackingEVE 7pm Meal/social for visitors and our supporters at Al-Salam restaurant – showing photos and the films made in workshops in Ramallah.
Day 13/ Sun Travel to airport and departure at 12:50 pm. Drive
Nikki (email DavidHillman07@aol.com and I will forward messages of help).
From Christian Aid Oxford: I am contacting you because on Wednesday 6 July at 7.30pm (at the Friends Meeting House, St Giles, Oxford) we will be joined by Gemma Houldey from one of our partner organisations in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. Addameer (which means conscience in Arabic) is an organisation that provides legal aid and counselling to Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. They also campaign internationally for prisoners at risk of serious human rights violations.
As well as hearing from the organisation¹s Advocacy Officer, Gemma Houldey, about the work of Addameer, there will also be an opportunity to find out more about the work of Christian Aid in the Middle East and how we work with Israeli and Palestinian partners to protect human rights, provide access to services and resources, and build a peace based on justice for all. You can find out more on the night about how you can work for justice and peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.
If you would be interested in coming along on the evening that would be wonderful. Please do circulate to friends and others who you think may be interested. I have attached a poster in case you are able to display it in your church. The Friends Meeting House is on St Giles in Oxford (OX1 3LW). Parking is free on St Giles after 6.30pm, but space is limited.
We will be serving tea and coffee and baklava on the evening and we expect the event to finish at 9pm. If you would like any further information then feel free to give me a call or drop me an email. Hope to see some of you there.
Oxford PSC Branch Meeting, Tuesday 12th July 7.30 Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates. Report back from the 9 July conference, from the regional aggregate, and from the recent visits of several of our members to Palestine.
Our Autumn programme should include a visit from a representative of Israeli Bedouin, a description of Jerusalem’s present state from a member of Jews for Justice, a talk from a member of Jordan Valley Solidarity, and the film Arna’s Children by Juliano. Further suggestions always welcome.
This month we have the opportunity to secure a chart position for a song called 'Freedom for Palestine' by a collective of musicians put together by Dave RandalThe song's chorus has a South African gospel choir and members of the London Community Gospel Choir singing 'Break down the wall – demand justice for all – Freedom for Palestine'. Listen to the song now!
http://www.waronwant.org/freedomoneworld/">facebook.com/#!/Freedom ">http://www.waronwant.org/freedomoneworld/ facebook.com/#!/Freedom http://www.facebook.com/#!/Freedom httlances, Circulate and publicise the website http://www.freedomoneworld.org/ and Facebook page: /www.facebook.com/FreedomOneWorld
Only costs 79 pence and takes 2 minutes – from the website above.
- Contact your local media, publicise the song, write letters about it, and contact your local radio stations to get them to play the song!!
- Wherever possible play the song or show the video, at events and so on..
We need all of you to make this happen.
Many thanks!!
New website http://www.palestine-primer.com/Palestine_Primer/History_%26_Background.html
http:// www.palestine-primer.com
This new website, built by a local PSC member, aims to be a single place where basic facts and information can be found on a whole variety of topics
Upcoming Events:
Saturday street stall: The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: its an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at OPSCstall@gmail.com if you're able to help.
PS ... If you can only do an hour or so, then that’s good too, email us for information and turn up on the day. Thank you to all who volunteered for vacant slots
Any help is much appreciated.
From Oxford Ramallah Friendship Society
A final planning meeting next Tuesday,5th July, at the Town Hall, 7.30.
Could you please email to say if you can help, if you gave transport and if you can give lifts or it would be good to see you at the events. Just let us know what you can do.
This is such a practical way of showing solidarity.
I have left the itinerary as an attachment and if you let me know when you are available I will add a column with the details added at the end of next week.
YOUTH VISIT July 2011 ORFA – Draft Itinerary (23/6/11)
Day 1/ Tues 19.07.11 Collection from airport. Very late arrival (Gatwick at 12:20 am). Explore overnight stay at reasonable hotel near Gatwick. Met by ORFA member and driven to Oxford Wed am.
Day 2/ Wednesday 20.07.11 Drive to Oxford. Acclimatisation to Oxford.Afternoon walk by river to city centre.Pm/Early eveningPicnic and sports – University Park.(If raining – provisional booking) Jenny asking if we could provisionally book Quaker Garden Room to use if rains.
Day 3/ Thursday 21.07.11 Am Visit to Cheney or Cherwell School to meet small group of students.Pm Mayor reception or Visit to Natural History Museum and Pitt Rivers Museum (TBC)Eve 7.30 Grease – New Theatre. Sara asking Cherwell school if visit possible.
Day 4/ Friday 22.07.11 Am Possible tour of BBC Radio OxfordPM/Eve - 4:30 pm North Wall Gaza Monologues – then party at Laila’s house (bring a pudding) Laila is exploring Radio Oxford.Laila asking Yasmin if Pegasus would like us to feed/host the young people for Gaza between their shows.
Day 5/ Saturday 23.07.11 Am Bourton-on-the-Water (The Model Village/Bird Park/Pottery) Pm Human Rights Discussion – two helpers plus four young peopleEve Hinksey Park – 8:30 pm Picnic (bring food), 9:30-11pm Film under the stars. Organised by OFVM. Older two could go to a museum am and then on to Human Rights Discussion or join part of the Bourton trip.
Day 6/ Sunday 24.07.11 Trip to Brighton: 9 am to 8.30 pm (TBC)Lunch at The Red RoasterFunfair/Pier/BeachMeet with members of Brighton PSC/ Tubas Twinning Coach cost £21 per head for 26 seater.Provisionally booked.
Day 7/ Monday 25.07.11 Day OFVM Workshop 10 am – 4 pm Animation4.30 pm Traditional Tea/ Aunt Sally GarsingtonEve Host families
Day 8/ Tuesday 26.07.11 Day OFVM Workshop 10 am – 4 pm AnimationEve 6.30 -9.00 Ceilidh with Woodcraft and Pegasus young people We could collect kids from Pegasus at 4.30 if that helps Yasmin and bring to Nikki’s until start of the Ceiilidh.
Day 9/ Wednesday 27.07.11 Day OFVM Workshop 10 am – 4 pm FlashEarly eve - visit to Abingdon for BBQ (Anthea, Belinda).
Day 10/ Thursday 28.07.11 Am OFVM Harry Potter Tour 11 am – 1 pm.PM – Harry Potter Trail with us. Eve Pizza oven party Rose Hill (Kirsten)
Day 11/ Fri 29.07.11 Day Trip to London (Science Museum, Parliament Buildings, London Eye). Train or Oxford Tube
Day 12/ Sat30.07.11 Day Shopping for gifts in Oxford and PackingEVE 7pm Meal/social for visitors and our supporters at Al-Salam restaurant – showing photos and the films made in workshops in Ramallah.
Day 13/ Sun Travel to airport and departure at 12:50 pm. Drive
Nikki (email DavidHillman07@aol.com and I will forward messages of help).
From Christian Aid Oxford: I am contacting you because on Wednesday 6 July at 7.30pm (at the Friends Meeting House, St Giles, Oxford) we will be joined by Gemma Houldey from one of our partner organisations in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. Addameer (which means conscience in Arabic) is an organisation that provides legal aid and counselling to Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. They also campaign internationally for prisoners at risk of serious human rights violations.
As well as hearing from the organisation¹s Advocacy Officer, Gemma Houldey, about the work of Addameer, there will also be an opportunity to find out more about the work of Christian Aid in the Middle East and how we work with Israeli and Palestinian partners to protect human rights, provide access to services and resources, and build a peace based on justice for all. You can find out more on the night about how you can work for justice and peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.
If you would be interested in coming along on the evening that would be wonderful. Please do circulate to friends and others who you think may be interested. I have attached a poster in case you are able to display it in your church. The Friends Meeting House is on St Giles in Oxford (OX1 3LW). Parking is free on St Giles after 6.30pm, but space is limited.
We will be serving tea and coffee and baklava on the evening and we expect the event to finish at 9pm. If you would like any further information then feel free to give me a call or drop me an email. Hope to see some of you there.
Oxford PSC Branch Meeting, Tuesday 12th July 7.30 Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates. Report back from the 9 July conference, from the regional aggregate, and from the recent visits of several of our members to Palestine.
Our Autumn programme should include a visit from a representative of Israeli Bedouin, a description of Jerusalem’s present state from a member of Jews for Justice, a talk from a member of Jordan Valley Solidarity, and the film Arna’s Children by Juliano. Further suggestions always welcome.
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