Sunday, January 29, 2012

February events

Upcoming Events: Local

Science Oxford is putting on the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition from 29 January to the 11 March. (Oxford, 29 January 2012 to 11 March 2012, Science Oxford, 1-5 London Place St Clements Oxford OX4 1BD). http:// www: Unfotunatelythey are being sponsored by Veiola.. Everything we need to know about Veolia is here: Both the Boycott Israeli Goods website ( and the resource website for PSC branches and Solidarity Activists ( have information and campaign material on Veolia, such as letters, leaflets, petitions and posters.
Veolia, a French multi-national involved in waste management, water
and transport, is involved in the building and operation of the
recently developed Jerusalem light rail which has appropriated
Palestinian land, and connects Israeli West Jerusalem to illegal
Israeli settlement in the Palestinian West Bank. In April 2010 the UN
Human Rights Council declared this tramway and its operation to be
illegal. In addition Veolia takes waste and rubbish from Israel and
illegal Settlements and dumps this in landfill on stolen Palestinian
land in the West Bank.
It is vital for a well respected organisation like Science Oxford to
avoid association with ethically unpalatable companies like Veolia
Science Oxford were at first
willing for us to put up a display stand about Veolia, at the
exhibition and propose putting it right by the door as people come in. They have now retreated on this as their CEO believes a political stance is outside their scientific remit.
We had two successful sessions of leafleting on Saturday (one by Women in Black, one by Palsoc and PSC) ,There was lots of public support – much honking and waving from cars, and visits by young hip-hop fans who filmed us and by a local LBGT member brought us some cookies from her group. An American lady who joined the picket was amazed at the public support, saying it would be very different in the U.S,A.
More events planned next Saturday and earlier in weekdays. Stand by for action alerts.

Wednesday February 1st, 7:30: St Margaret’s Church, St Margaret’s Road, Oxford.
Palestine: Building For Conflict or Peace?
The impact of closures, restrictions, land confiscations and house demolitions, and the work taking place to rebuild both structures and hope

Nicholas Dudley, F,R,C,S: Lead Clinician of the JR teaching team to Al Quds University. Medical.School in E.Jerusalem & the W.Bank.
Abdalrahman Kittana: Birzeit University, Palestine and currently British Council Scholarship Student, Oxford Brookes University
Tilly Forster: Volunteer House Rebuilder with the Amos Trust, in Al-Walaja, Palestine
Talks and discussion to be followed by Palestinian refreshments.

Tuesday February 21st Oxford Town Hall, Oxford Ramallah friendship Association This meeting will take place earlier so as not to clash with the PSC meeting on Jerusalem.
Tuesday February 21st Oxford Town Hall, 7:30 Meeting on Jerusalem with a panel of speakers who are from Palestine or have recently returned from Jerusalem.

We are planning several more events for this year including a meeting on the situation of Palestinian Christians.

Every Saturday 11.30-1.30pm: OXFORD PSC STALL in Cornmarket by St Michael at Northgate church:
Saturday street stall: The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket Street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: it’s an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at if you're able to help.
PS ... If you can only do an hour or so, then that’s good too, email us for information and turn up on the day. Thank you to all who volunteered for vacant slots
Any help is much appreciated. Cheers, Ali

Upcoming Events: UK/International
30 March: Stand for Jerusalem : world wide actions. Come to Israeli embassy in London.

Saturday 21st April: PSC Trade Union Conference. Register now.

PSC AGM 2012 Report

Link to pictures of the AGM:

Thirty years from its founding, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s packed AGM, held in London on 21 January, provided an opportunity for all PSC’s members, Branches and affiliates to discuss the current situation in Palestine and prioritise PSC’s campaigning work in the next 12 months.

In an inspiring session introduced by Jeremy Corbyn MP, Omar Barghouti, founder of the Palestinian campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, discussed the importance of the campaigning work being carried out by PSC members and branches across the country. He described ‎PSC as ‘the finest and most influential solidarity movement anywhere in the world’.

Abe Hayeem from Architects and Planners for Justice for Palestine also participated in the debate. Mohammad Sawalha from the British Muslim Initiative told the AGM of plans for the Global March to Jerusalem on 30 March.

The AGM agreed that the central campaigning themes for PSC in 2012 will be:
· Ending the siege on Gaza
· Building the BDS movement
· Ethnic cleansing and destruction of Palestinian life in Jerusalem
PSC AGM passed a motion focusing on the major contracts lost by Veolia, a key target of the global BDS movement, in the UK following campaigns by PSC groups, which resolved to develop this work to build the campaign for divestment and boycott. Other motions passed at the AGM included one condemning Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the Naqab, calling for Nakba commemorations to highlight the ongoing Nakba of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians within the Green Line; and highlighting the issue of Palestinian prisoners and in particular child prisoners. The AGM also overwhelmingly voted in favour of building opposition to the racist and apartheid policies carried out by Israel and the reaffirmation of anti-racism as a core value of the PSC and that combating anti-Semitism and Islamophobia is critical in building alliances and support for a free Palestine . Click here for the text of the motions passed:

2012 –the 30th anniversary of PSC’s founding - will be a key year for the Palestinian struggle. PSC is determined to build the mass movement for solidarity with Palestine , based on the principles of Palestinian liberation, justice and self-determination.


Livia’s article on Ethnic cleansing If you heard Becky speak earlier this year – this is the destruction of the house they helped build last summer.
