May events
Every Saturday 11.30-1.30pm: OXFORD PSC STALL in Cornmarket by St Michael at Northgate church. The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket Street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with the public at large. It is an important activity for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: it’s an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email ali at if you're able to help.
Please support the weekly stall on Saturdays by volunteering for at least one shift. Volunteering for one Saturday a year really helps us.
Oxford University and Oxford Brookes Palestine Society warmly invite you to an evening with the acclaimed Palestinian poet Rafeef Ziadah and musician Phil Monsour. I have attached two of the posters for the event so please feel free to circulate them around and let all your family and friends know about the event.
***Event Details*** Note: Begins at 7:00
Date: Tuesday 22nd of May
Time: 7pm
Venue: Oxford University, Wadham College, Okinaga room
Cost: Free but donations will be welcome!
Facebook event:
Here is a taster of what you can expect:
Look forward to seeing you all there!
Best wishes,
Sara Chaudhry (Oxford Brookes Palsoc)
• Great day for PSC street stall. Tas Mahdy, you were ROCK!
A great time was had by Seyda and Caroline at the PSC stall at Levellers Day today. And this photo doesn't show how cold we were feeling
Friday 25th May: Oxford Brookes Islamic Society
Journey to Mecca plus Talk on Palestine Today By the Grand Mufti of Palestine Sheik Abdel Salem Mraish.
6:00 – 8:30 Conference RoomFH101, Fuller Building, Oxford Brookes University.
All Welcome.
From Mariam: Hi there,
My partner has recently been to Palestine to plan olive trees with JAI. There is a talk coming up on the 27th May at the Iffley Church Hall, 11.30am. The talk is free to all
‘Planting Olive Trees in Palestine’
Public Event • By St Mary the Virgin
Iffley Chuch Hall
An opportunity to talk with Stephen and hear more about his May magazine article (p8-9)
All welcome and free of charge
Upcoming Events: UK/International
No to Pinkwashing
Public meeting
An opportunity to discuss with:
Haneen Maikey Director Al-Qaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society (on live video link)
Diane Neslen Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Sarah Colborne Director Palestine Solidarity campaign
May 21, 6.30pm
UNISON centre 130 Euston Rd, London NW1 2AY
All welcome but you MUST register in advance by emailing
The Bible, Zionism and Palestine
24-26th May 2012
Department of Biblical Studies
University of Sheffield
A conference to explore the role of the bible in theology and politics in Israel and Palestine today
Denmark to ban labeling West Bank products as 'Made in Israel', report says
South Africa to ban labeling West Bank settlement products as 'made in Israel'
From Seyda:
Dear all,
Thank you very much for the donations you have made for the re-building of Beit Arabiya. The response to the appeal was incredibly speedy and most amazing. ICAHD are thrillled with the amount raised - well exceeded the target. I would like to thank you again for your generosity and support. Re-building will start on 1st July ending 16th.I will keep you updated and share my experience on my return or if I can whilst at the project.. Back to UK mid August after holidaying in Palestine with two wonderful friends, Dave and Caroline.
Best wishes,.
From Imram
I hope this finds you well!
I am writing to seek your help - at the JR, a small group of students/ex-students have managed to arrange for palestinian medical students to come to do medical attachments at our hospital here in Oxford for about 5 weeks each.
One such student, Ala'a Abu Markhiya, has been accepted. She is very keen to come, and her dates are 9/7 to 10/8/2012. She will be coming to the UK with her father. Now, quite unexpectedly, the JR are unable to provide accommodation during this period, so we have to look elsewhere. Currently, her visa application is dependent upon her securing accommodation. This is the rate-limiting step.
Do any of you know of any possible leads somewhere in headington for an appropriate accomodation during this period? We are desperately trying to find her somewhere to stay, as you can imagine it would be such a shame if she were not able to come due to an accommodation problem,
With my best wishes,
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