Bulletin no. 354, 12 October 2014
On Monday 13th October,
MPs will have the chance to debate and vote on whether the UK should recognise
Palestine. Join the
campaign asking them to vote yes.
- Tuesday 14th October 20147.30pm at Oxford Town HallSt Aldates OX1 1BX"Children in Chains" short filmabout the plight of Palestinian child prisonersfollowed by discussionOxford Palestine Solidarity CampaignAll Welcome
Helpers needed for our PSC stall at the One World Fair, Oxford Town Hall, Saturday 22 November. If you can offer an hour or two between 10 am and 4pm it would be much appreciated. We aim to have two people on the stall at any one time. We also need helpers to transport materials to and from the event (particularly around 4.00 to help us pack up and transport leftover materials). It is always a very enjoyable event. Please reply to this mailing with any help you can offer and an indication of what time you would prefer to cover the stall. Many thanks!For Students: The Struggle for Palestinian Rights: An Introductory Talk by Oxford Academics and Students The Struggle for Palestinian Rights: An Introductory Talk by Oxford Academics and Students https://www.facebook.com/events/288567334675806/ October 15thIn the wake of the Israeli assault on Gaza this summer…Wednesday at 8:00pmOkinaga Room, Wadham CollegeHosted by Barnaby RaineWe are now running a regular stall on Cornmarket twice a week:
Every Saturday 11.30-1.30pm: OXFORD PSC STALL in Cornmarket by St
Michael at Northgate church. The OPSC Saturday street stall on Cornmarket
Street is one of the main ways we use for raising the issue of Palestine with
the public at large. It is an important activity
- for offering information leaflets to the public, inviting them to join PSC or leave their email for Oxford PSC updates. Generally we are there 11:30 to 13:30. Always a minimum of two people on shift. Please consider volunteering for a shift: it’s an opportunity to meet other PSC members, those wanting information and occasionally those wishing to challenge our views, even volunteering for one shift a year would help. Please email Ali at OPSCstall@gmail.com if you're able to help. And : For anyone who haven't heard yet,from Wednesday the 28th May until September, Mel and others will be doing a stand every Wednesday between 12.30- 2.30 pm, please let us know if you can help, especially setting up and clearing, we hope to get as many of you as possible, please pass the word around and drop by after your Wednesday market shopping.
These talks may be of interest:
'Killing by drones: the legal and public policy dimensions'
Rory O
Millson (Cravath, Swaine and Moore LLP), will lead a lecture at
5.30 pm
on Wednesday 15 October in the Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson
Linton Road.
prospect of forcible alternatives to war in Israel/Gaza’
Lieblich (IDC Herzliya’s Radzyner School of Law) will lead a seminar
3–5 pm on
Thursday 16 October in the Dorfman Centre, St Peter’s College
(New Inn
Hall Street). Respondent: Professor Tladi. Convener: Dr Janina
The Balfour Project
and OxPeace are delighted to advise you of ...
An evening commemorating the 97th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration
Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 Understanding the Present Conflict
Thursday October 30th
at 7.45pm
The Auditorium, St John'sCollege,
St Giles, Oxford OX1 3JP
· Excerpt from: Faraway, So Close - a theatre piece by Amy Hailwood
· Launch of new educational documentary: Britain in Palestine
· A panel* will then discuss and answer question on the history and issues raised by the drama and the film
· Closing remarks by The Very Reverend Nicholas Frayling
To be followed by refreshments
* The Panel includes Professor Avi Shlaim, Dr Mary Embleton, Sir Vincent Feane and Dr Andrew Gosler
For details see: Britain
in Palestine 1917-1948
Organised jointly by the Balfour Project and OxPeace
Organised jointly by the Balfour Project and OxPeace
Here is
the National PSC update : http://www.palestinecampaign.org/category/psc-updates/
can be downloaded and printed off here: http://www.palestinecampaign.org/information/factsheets/
Jerusalem art Exhibition: Children's painting competition.
Wall, Central Library , Queen Street, Oxford OX1 1DJ
Now until
September 12th
exhibition of paintings by children aged 7-17 from throughout the Arab world of
Jerusalem is free and on display during library opening hours.
Jerusalem Day Society, which is currently based in Jordan, takes responsibility
for the education of the younger generations about the holy city of Jerusalem,
culturally and artistically. The Society runs annual competitions in painting,
short story writing, and poetry. The main goal of the Society is to promote
knowledge and understanding about the City of Jerusalem amongst young people,
some of who have lost their homes. All the paintings in this exhibition are the
individual work of children aged 7 - 17 who took part in past competitions.
The exhibition has been held in different cities across the UK including Birmingham, London, Southampton and Oxford. Once the tour is over, the paintings will be offered for sale as a means of recognizing the talents of young children as well as fundraising to support children’s education in Jerusalem. The proceeds of sale will ALL be donated to support schools desperately in need of funding. Jerusalem Day Society has a well-established relationship with a number of schools that lack financial support, thus the number of schools receiving funds will depend on the funds raised. Your help means that more Palestinian children will continue to attend school and be educated. Education makes the difference.
The sale arrangements are yet to be announced. If you would like to receive updates on how to buy any painting and when they will become available for sale, please email me, Carol Hage, for more details. My email address is
The exhibition has been held in different cities across the UK including Birmingham, London, Southampton and Oxford. Once the tour is over, the paintings will be offered for sale as a means of recognizing the talents of young children as well as fundraising to support children’s education in Jerusalem. The proceeds of sale will ALL be donated to support schools desperately in need of funding. Jerusalem Day Society has a well-established relationship with a number of schools that lack financial support, thus the number of schools receiving funds will depend on the funds raised. Your help means that more Palestinian children will continue to attend school and be educated. Education makes the difference.
The sale arrangements are yet to be announced. If you would like to receive updates on how to buy any painting and when they will become available for sale, please email me, Carol Hage, for more details. My email address is
Please contact me if you have information about Israeli produce
especially settlement produce, in local shops, and if you would like to
participate in leafleting the stores on the first Saturday of each month.
University PalSoc’s facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/5560924183/
Please email me to remind me of events you want to
be publicised, as I find I’m sometimes forgetful.
Please send items to go in the bulletin to David
Hillman on: DavidHillman07@aol.com. And please send any comments or criticisms to me
at the same address.
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