Sunday, February 22, 2015



Oxford Students’ Arab Cultural Society  :"Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses across the globe. The aim of IAW is to foster debate about the nature of Israel as an apartheid state and to build support for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) as part of the growing global BDS movement. All events are open to the public.

Oxford Israeli Apartheid Week is hosted by the Oxford Students' Arab Cultural Society.



Monday Feb 23rd – 7pm
‘Understanding Israeli Settler-Colonialism’
Speaker: Professor Ilan Pappé, Exeter University
Chair: Professor David Priestland, St Edmund Hall
Moser Lecture Theatre, Wadham College

Tuesday Feb 24th – 7pm
‘Israeli War Crimes: Pursuing Legal Accountability’
Speakers: Professor John Dugard, Former UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; Danny Machover, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR)
Chair: Dr Karma Nabulsi, St Edmund Hall
Okinaga Room, Wadham College

Thursday Feb 26th - 7pm
‘Palestine in Film: Screening and Panel Discussion’
Modern Art Oxford, Pembroke Street

Friday Feb 27th - 7pm
'Legal and Political Dimensions of the Palestinian Right of Return'
Speakers: Dr Abdel Razzaq Takriti, Lecturer in International History, Sheffield University; Dr Nimer Sultany, Lecturer in Law, School of Oriental and African Studies
Balliol College, Lecture Theatre 23

Saturday Feb 28th – 7pm
Party Against Apartheid
Dinner, Shisha and Dancing at Al Salam Restaurant, Park End Street






                                                                        Upcoming Events:


All welcome

Note that the date for the hustings meeting is now 23rd April



Celebrating Palestinian women

To mark International Womens Festival Jan Chalmers will speak about the Palestinian Tapestry Project.

7.30pm Tuesday 10 March

Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford



Saturday 28th March, 7:30pm, Tickets £12.50 & bar by donations

“I AM A PALESTINIAN” An evening of live music and

stories of life in Palestine, past and present to give a

voice to those people living under the continuing Israeli

occupation in West Bank and Gaza. And hear about

Kairos Palestine, a united Christian initiative to bring

justice and peace to Palestine.

The music is inspired by traditional music from

Palestine, Israel and neighbouring countries and

performed by the Conference of Birds - Liz and Peter

Cowdrey (violin/viola and keyboard) and Jennifer

Raven (flute).

Any profits from the evening will go to the Joint

Advocacy Initiative olive tree planting campaign in


 March 2015 Duns Tew Village Hall 7.30 pm

Tickets £12.50 and bar by donations

from Karen and Martin Fairfax-Cholmeley 01869

Stephanie Lacey 01869 347350



International issues and the general election

Parliamentary candidates are being invited to come along to a meeting jointly organised by Oxford PSC and other international and peace campaign organisations. Details to be confirmed.

7.00pm Tuesday 23rd April

Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford


Oxford PSC Annual General Meeting

AGM where we will have a guest speaker (to be confirmed), review our activities, plan ahead and elect our team of officers.

7.30pm Tuesday 12 May

Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford